
Appium tutorial guru99
Appium tutorial guru99

appium tutorial guru99

After getting the Website URL we need to find the locators of the elements we will be interacting with. So ultimately the first thing is we need to get the Mobile website which we are interested in to be automated. However, you can open on your Desktop and can get the mobile view on your desktop. For example, is the mobile website, while is the default website on Desktop. Make sure you use the mobile version of the site you’re looking to test. In this section we are going to talk about how we can get the UI locators for the websites which we will be automating in a Mobile Chrome browser.

appium tutorial guru99

In this chapter we will discuss the most used and popular tools to find the unique and correct element locator.

appium tutorial guru99

We will explore UIAutomatorViewer(For Android) in the next chapter.Īccessibility Inspector(iOS): ‍The Accessibility Inspector is a tool that shows all of the properties and values, methods (actions that can occur from elements on the screen), and position of the object that’s currently being selected on the screen. Appium Desktop Inspector uses the same methods as UI Automator Viewer to identify the elements in your mobile app:Īlso, the properties of the mobile elements, such as resource-id, content-desc, text etc, will be the same in both the tools. The are slight differences in the UI of both the tools, but the underlying logic of identifying elements remains the same. There is one important factor in that the way you inspect elements in mobile app is exactly the same in UIAutomatorViewer and Appium Desktop Inspector.


UiAutomatorViewer(Android): This is a tool provided by Android Studio that lets you inspect elements in your mobile app. But we will cover the most important and used Element Inspectors:Īppium Inspector: You can use this inspector for both Android and iOS apps (for iOS apps, you would need a Mac) There are many different tools that help you inspect elements in mobile apps.


To record your manual actions with the app: In order to record your actions, you need either the Appium Inspector or some other tool that can access those elements. To find the name, description, value and other attributes of the element/object: Objects have certain characteristics that can be identified through this tool and then used with the xpath command. To identify and understand the element hierarchy: For developers this may be trivial but for testers it is definitely useful information on how certain UI elements are aligned with each other and what other layers/fragments/etc the app may have. The Appium Desktop Application is a combination of the Appium server itself and the Element inspector, which is designed to help you discover all the visible elements of your mobile application while developing your test scripts. NOTE: The Appium Inspection tool does not support finding the locators on Web Browser(Chrome) as it is specifically designed to fetch the attributes for Native Mobile Application only. It works with both real devices or simulators(iOS) or emulators(Android). Appium inspection is a standard procedure to identify the UI elements of a mobile app uniquely. It is the process by which you can locate or find elements in your mobile application (native only). Appium inspection is known by many names such as Element Extraction, UI Element Identification, Locator Finding, etc. And this is where the Appium Inspector comes into play. However, if you haven’t already realized (you soon will!), finding these unique elements can sometimes be painful.


Since i debug using getPageSource, not sure how to provide the log.As you learned in the previous chapter, In order to perform automation it’s necessary to locate the unique selectors for:


Im using uiautomator2 driver on the appium. Appium CLI or Appium.app|exe: appium cli.Real device or emulator/simulator: emulator.Npm or Yarn package manager: Mobile platform/version under test: android.Node.js version (unless using Appium.app|exe): v10.16.0.Desktop OS/version used to run Appium: macOS.Last Appium version that did not exhibit the issue (if applicable): 1.19.0.Appium version (or git revision) that exhibits the issue: 1.20.0.checked on 1.19.0 version of appium, the is displayed properly on getPageSource. Im facing an issue that my test assertion for image shall display is failing, after did a getPageSource the element is not found.

Appium tutorial guru99